Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is facing a backlash for tying Jesus Christ’s death to gun rights, implying that he could have defended himself from crucifixion had he an assault rifle.

Speaking during an event organised by Charis Christian Centre last Saturday, the Colorado Representative said “little Twitter trolls” often challenge her about her pro-gun stance, asking if Jesus needed AR-15 rifles.

“They like to say: ‘Oh, Jesus didn’t need an AR-15. How many AR-15s do you think Jesus would have had?’ Well, he didn’t have enough to keep his government from killing him.”

The Republican is drawing furious backlash for the comments, with some schooling her on the Bible’s New Testament.

This is not the only controversial remark Ms Boebert made at the event.

She was widely criticised after she said that she prays for president Joe Biden’s demise. “I do want you to know that I pray for our President. Psalm 109:8 says, ‘May his days be few and another take his office.’ Hallelujah! Glory to God.”

Former Democratic congressional candidate Russell Foster had slammed her for the remarks.

“So Lauren Boebert is praying for the death of President Biden at a church camp in front of the campers,” he tweeted. “How very ‘Christian’. That she gets wooed and applause for it is even viler.”

Original Article – Should Jesus have had an AR-15? Lauren Boebert mocked for missing point of Christ’s sacrifice | The Independent