Tourists search for Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia

- Jacob F. Love | Lecturer in Religious Studies, University of Tennessee Since Saudi Arabia relaxed rules and expanded visas for tourists in

Tourists search for Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia2023-08-16T23:29:42+00:00

Are There Missing Books of the Bible?

I remember when I finished reading the Bible for the first time. I was happy with the accomplishment but also sad that

Are There Missing Books of the Bible?2023-07-23T16:00:44+00:00

Red Heifers Arrive in Israel

The Temple Institute and Boneh Israel made a huge step towards reinstating the Temple service on Thursday when five red heifers landed

Red Heifers Arrive in Israel2023-07-28T00:31:49+00:00

Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Marriage

Pope Francis became the first pontiff to endorse same-sex civil unions in comments for a documentary that premiered Wednesday, sparking cheers from

Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Marriage2020-11-04T03:17:13+00:00
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